Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"burn things to show you aren't violent"

There is an area in Copenhagen called Vanløse. I know this as I catch the metro there most mornings and then catch a train to WMdata where I am working at the moment.

Anyway there is nothing special about this place per say, but this morning I was using my iPod on the station platform and I got access to a wireless network. No hacking or anything "funny". The catch? Well nothing other than that the Vanløse public library is next to the station and it has a free wireless network for surfing or searching for books.

This got me thinking, in a country with a proper democracy, a usable social system and a high standard of living, how can there be ghettos and 15 year old kids, who hate society so much they run around at night stabbing people, burning cars and physically attacking the civil servants, who are just doing their jobs and trying to protect the rest of us.

I am by nature rather politically opinionated, and I happen to agree with the opinion that unprovoked violence can only be solved by using bigger guns. I am sure someone somewhere knows why these kids are so far gone, but I know it can't have started with them. This is conditioning. Their parents or piers are bitter and are manipulating situations into grounds for social misbehaviour.

In a county were freedom of speech and equality is praised, I think things have gone to far. I am a guest here and I know some people don't like that my "kind" is here either, but I follow the rules. Why can't everyone else. I am all for the Swiss way of managing integration: if you don't contribute and follow their rules, then you and your family can sod off to where ever your DNA originated from. And that's fine, that's how it should be.

It isn't always black and white, but handle the easy cases like that and scare the shit out of the difficult cases.  Worst case scenario, last I checked there is plenty of space on Greenland.

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