Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mugabe is a twat! (Sorry Mom, but he is)

My walk between the station in Malmparken and Logica each day takes me over this little grass covered mound of earth, not dissimilar to the knoll now so infamous in Dallas Texas. Nothing strange there, however the last two weeks have seen it morph during the evenings.

a little patch of sunlit grass

In the afternoons when  I leave, the hillock is green, the sun is mildly warm and birds are happily chirping for whatever reasons birds chirp. Pleasant, yes. However on my return each morn, it has been covered in a thin layer of snow.

Yes snow, and while bitter winds hamper my enjoyment of the suns glowing rays, the only birds hardy, could be read dumb, enough to be flapping around are ravens.

It's the end of March, and yet nighttime seems to insist that winter
drag on fruitlessly into what clearly is spring. I mean in a few days
time we move the garden furniture out and the little hand an hour
forward. Summer is fast approaching, but mother nature just doesn't get it.

Now I am totally against the whole Bush stance on global warming, I do believe we need icecaps and polar regions, but I will be flying really fuel hungry jets as much as possible, if the seasons don't catch a wake up soon and stick to the program.

While I am on the topic, why the bloody friggin hell did Mrs Clinton have to go and screw it up so badly. I can't vote, what with not being american and all, but she had mine. However now is a different story. Bill may have buggered up and followed his willy, but at least he didn't have video evidence available to the public when he lied. Jeez woman: "I did not have sexual relations with that sniper". Either you got shot at or you didn't, don't make out like you did. It didn't make a difference. You were there, well some of the time, but that's what counts.

 oops i mean no it didn't maybe happen

Now however Obama has won hands down. Why are politicians so full of shit. At least Mugabe has the colonialism excuse. But don't get me started on that arsehole!

Monday, March 24, 2008

505 is having a busy month

So it has been a busy few weeks here in, or rather not in, apartment 505. The tour kicked off with a working visit to Madrid where I was holding a workshop for MS Spain. Hege came along for the weekend and we hooked up with our eSpanish mate Ricardo.

The streets of Madrid

Have to say that out of the European  cities I have visited so far,
Madrid is my favourite. I like the food too, truth be told.

Then came Easter with all the glorious  free holidays which it
entails. Well 505 has been promising Perchtoldsdorferstrasse 13 a
visit for ages, so we did. I always forget how much I enjoy my big
brothers company. We had our differences as kids, me being second in line and probably really annoying, but we are almost grown up these days. Anyway so we ate schnitzel and bowled and took a trip across the closest border, to Slovakia. Les and his Mad Cat Hege and Mad Katten

Yes we travelled over the old iron curtain, to Bratislava. The first
thing that crossed my mind, which also used to happen when I went to Prague and Budapest, was that we had bent the old space time continuum and gone back a few decades. I don't know what those old soviets has in mind though. Yes everything was shared "equally" among all men, but an equal slice of nothing other than a hefty amount of bronze statues of communist fellows still sucks in my books.

 football is aparantly going to Austria

Lovely city though, Bratislava. And on putting the slightly
dilapidated look aside, there seemed to be a crapload of renovation going on. Yes it needs it and you can still tell that the red flags of yesteryear lacked upkeep skills, I recon given a decade, eastern Europe is going to be giving London, Paris and Madrid a good run for their tourist spending money.

So what now? Well the Amsterdamage tour kicks off on Friday and truth be told I am worried. I just can't handle like I once could. Don't get me wrong, I will be smacking it as hard as can be, but I am just not sure Amsterdam will be any the worse for wear. I on the other hand will be needing my soft pillow and sleep come Sunday eve.

Then it's Milan with Mr Gates. Not sure I will be seeing much more of Italy than the MS offices, but ho-hum I will get there one day.

MS knows how to pimp the 360

And so dear diary, that's why I have been, well partly, so quiet. Am also kind of playing a fair amount of xbox...